Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tutorial 2: Pachube - Yuval & Chris
1. We could not login to the Pachube website. We emailed the sysadmin and they told us that it might be a browser related issue in Explorer. We were in Firefox. Apparently you have to click the "remember me" button the first time, or it loses you forever in the matrix.
2. We could not install the correct libraries onto Yuvals slick new Dell. It kept telling us that it could not move the files over to the folder because they already exist without the option to replace. This was odd because this was the first time we were trying to copy the files over, so really nothing should have been there. We were able to copy over Kevin Wei's library over... but to no avail. It still didn't work. We eventually skirted this issue by installing everything onto my trusty old mac and got the thing up and running right fast.
3. We also had our board set up incorrectly because the image was difficult to see where everything went in. Perhaps a simple circuit diagram may have helped with that. Also, there was a problem (?) with the 100 ohm resistor that we purchased in that it was too bulky. We had to guess which one to get b/c the original tutorial didn't specify the wattage. We corrected this by borrowing some smaller ones from Kevin our savior.
4. Code gone spacey. As in the last project, there was some funny business with the code when we went to cut and paste it from the .pdf. We attempted to correct this by getting the code from a simple text file to avoid any hidden garbage that .pdf or .doc files may contain. This time there were a bunch of spaces and quotes missing to complete the code. Fortunately Processing and Arduino make it easy to locate where the code goes wrong... unforunately if it's not just a simple space or missing quote, it is hard to troubleshoot since neither of us know how to code.
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3. (more) The right resistors for this setup turned out being 220ohm. Like Kevin said, it's just a precaution so as not to burn out your LEDs, but these worked well. Also, the ones we had are the Metal-Oxide ones. Too chunky.
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